Category Archives: Swellendam Winter School

Open Studio, Potter’s Lunch, Update – Dec 2024

Hello and warm summer greetings from Bukkenburg in Swellendam as we approach the summer solstice.
We extend Season’s Greetings and our Best Wishes for 2025.

“May you be surrounded by friends and family, and if this is not your lot, may the blessings find you in your solitude“

Leonard Cohen

This quote by Leonard Cohen has often ended some of our seasonal updates, but in 2024, it acquired new meaning.

In our kitchen in Parkview, Johannesburg, early 1980s

Reflecting on the events of the past year, we find ourselves on an unexpected and most difficult journey. I suppose that is what life does to us!

Following last year’s lively and energetic update reflecting on a very eventful and productive year and  with such positive prospects for 2024, our lives took a sudden and heart-breaking turn when Felicity suffered a serious stroke early in the year.

After the stroke, Felicity spent months in hospital and frail care, and  has faced immense challenges, yet I’m glad to say she is stable for now, and comfortable at home, where she’s looked after with great care by Elizabeth Biko, her dedicated daily caregiver.

Felicity and I have been together for 52 years, and have lived in Swellendam for 28 years. Our blog updates, as with all things throughout our life together, have always been a combined effort, and this is the first one where she has not had any direct input – no suggestions as to what to leave in or leave out.

The companionship of 52 years is a blessing few achieve, but for those of us who do, it creates a matchless bond and synergy of spirit

Our family is again together, and in some ways, it has grown as we are surrounded by the love, concern, and practical help of so many. Felicity continues to inspire us with her resilience. James initially reacted quite badly to the dramatic changes we were facing; thankfully he’s settling down now.

We’ve managed to enjoy some uplifting moments with Felicity in the early summer garden, which is looking delightful, and she has even been able to visit the studio again – a gentle, touching time for us both.

Our GP has visited and assured us of his availability whenever we need his support, which comforts us as we adjust to her ongoing needs.

I am so grateful to everyone who has stayed involved, offering your presence, comfort, kind words in person and from afar, and, of course, the delicious meals brought by friends and neighbours.

Thank you also for your continued messages of support.

Our gratitude and warm appreciation for family and community support include special mentions to Felicity’s son Andrew, who took time off from work in Johannesburg to be here, my brother John and sister Marian from the UK who both made the journey, and cousin Tony, a medical specialist who has kept a close watch from Cape Town and made several trips to be with us.

And a special thank you to Penny Thome and Carmen Stuart from Swellendam, whose care and encouragement has been unwavering all through this unbelievable ordeal, and continues. Your kindness is precious.

This is Felicity’s caregiver, Elizabeth Biko, giving James his breakfast.

Carmen – – – – Penny

In the Studio

In the studio, life is slowly beginning to regain some momentum. With the invaluable help of Saskia van Leeuwen, I have completed long overdue glaze firings in our big oil kiln, and the results are most encouraging, considering that this is the first time in all these years that Felicity and I have not been in the studio together for the glazing and decorating cycle, and also we were not at the kiln together during the firings.

This work will be on display in our gallery throughout the holiday season and beyond.

In spite of the mad scramble to re-energize the studio in the early spring, after the catastrophic events earlier in the year and the desperately grim and bleak winter months, things have more or less come together for now.

The newly tested glazes that showed such promise at the end of last year and which we were so excited about have been used on some of the pots in these recent firings and those pots are now in the gallery. (Pictures of two of the new glazes were on last December’s news update, others in the new updates on the website – see below)

Several delayed commissions have been completed with this spring push, and now I am able to get on with the remaining ordered and commissioned work and hopefully extend into some more adventurous work in the New Year as I begin to explore all sorts of possibilities with the new glazes.

Saskia at the wheel with James watching – and – Saskia helping to load the big kiln

“These pots are fragile and so easily broken, they are only made of a little clay on which fortune has precariously bestowed some consistency; the same could be said of mankind”

José Saramago

Here are a few images of our new work:

There are several albums of pictures showing the new work on these refreshed pages of our website.
Please click on the highlighted text to get to those pages:

Current Work  – 
Recently fired pots – 3 galleries of pictures

Pots for Sale  – 
4 galleries of pictures of pots for sale.
These are the pots on view in our gallery at Bukkenburg and for sale from this page.
I will include prices and details quite soon – in the meantime if any of these pots interest you, please send me the three digit number of the piece by WhatsApp or e-mail and I’ll send you all the information.

We can accept EFT and card payments.
Reliable shipping to almost any destination can be arranged.

Potter’s Lunch & Open Studio – 21 December

Preparations are ongoing for our annual summer ‘Potter’s Lunch and Open Studio’ on Saturday, 21 December— always one of the highlights of the year.
We will be limiting the number of people for lunch this year.

A warm invitation to join us on the 21st, and if you’d like to join us for our well-known buffet, please book your place:
Tel:                 082 342 5453

The menu and costs will be available soon.

Here are some pictures from earlier events:


Very early in the year, sometime before Felicity’s stroke, we decided that we should be making more of an effort to have our work seen further afield again and so agreed that we would take part in group exhibitions should the opportunity arise.

Two exhibition opportunities arose early in the year:

  • ‘The Persistence of Memory’, The Winter Ceramics Exhibition – Spier Arts Trust in Stellenbosch, from June to September
  • Inaugural SA Clay Awards 2024 Exhibition at Rust-en-Vrede Gallery & Clay Museum in Cape Town, in November

We sent in pictures of our work for possible selection and were accepted by both!

It has been so long since we took part in any of these joint or group exhibitions and we are delighted to have been represented in both – more especially at having one of our pieces selected for the Inaugural SA Clay Awards.

There were more than 500 entries for the SA Clay Awards from which 45 pieces were selected for the exhibition.

This is the piece of ours that was accepted.

SA Clay Awards  2024  press release:


Unpacking a pair of big stoneware jars at Spier Arts Trust which had been accepted for the Spier Winter Ceramics Exhibition.

We look forward to submitting work again should the opportunity arise.


Swellendam – On The Way To Everywhere

Swellendam – at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains

With all that the town has to offer visitors, it is sad that in recent years, Swellendam has operated without an organized tourism body and no plan or strategy in operation.

We acknowledge and value the tireless work of individuals striving to maintain the visibility and prominence of the town and its surrounding region.

Despite the absence of a coordinated effort, these dedicated individuals contribute significantly to sustaining the profile of Swellendam, ensuring it remains a notable destination.

Their hard work plays a vital role in helping to promote the town and enhancing its appeal for visitors.

Also of great concern is the extent of political infighting and tension in the Municipal Council – the fallout from this certainly cannot be good for the town’s citizens, and the town’s profile as a developing tourist destination.

It has recently been announced that Swellendam Municipality has achieved another clean audit!
This is really great news as so many small and larger municipalities in this country are in deep financial trouble


Our guest cottage at Bukkenburg


Our self-catering guest cottage in the garden, shown in the picture above is available for an overnight stay or longer.
Please contact us for availability and rates.

Details and pictures on the ‘Accommodation Page’ Click Here


Delighted that the pair Spotted Eagle Owls returned again to their nesting tree near to us this year and fledged these two babies.


Looking ahead

Our current situation and Felicity’s’ condition determine a particular outlook for the road ahead, and we will approach the New Year very much on a day by day basis.

Even in these trying times we have so much to be grateful for.

I am more than grateful that Felicity is home and comfortable with a really fine caregiver in Elizabeth Biko, and James has recovered from a very difficult period earlier in the year when Felicity first took ill.

Equally so, I am grateful for the support of a network of amazing local people.

A family who, although so far away, are always there for a call, and who will, I am sure again drop everything to be here with us should the situation require it.

Thankful too that our gallery now has a lively and diverse display of fresh, new work on view and for sale, and that we have some meaningful commissioned work to complete as the New Year begins.

The article below was written by Chief Kagisho Molema and posted recently on and SwellenGram:

Malachite Sunbird – male


Thank you so much for your ongoing interest and support, and for taking the time to read through this update.
We’re looking forward to seeing some of you here during the summer months and beyond

The studio and gallery are open and working daily
Visitors are always welcome

With our warm wishes for the festive season and 2025

David & Felicity
At Bukkenburg in Swellendam
December 2024
Moblie / WhatsApp: +27 82 342 5453

We hope that you will visit and support our various Social Media pages:
Facebook Studio Page
Facebook – Bukkenburg Pottery
Facebook Accommodation Page
Facebook – David

Ken Beittel

Potter’s Lunch & Spring Open Studio 2020

Bukkenburg Pottery Studio, Gallery & Guest Cottage, Swellendam

Sunset at Bukkenburg in early spring.

Welcome to Bukkenburg Pottery Studio, Swellendam.

In truly strange times – a year like no other ..!

Along with everyone else on the planet, we are slowly and very cautiously beginning to emerge into a different kind of world after more than five months living under various levels of government enforced Covid-19 ‘Lockdown’

We have been deeply affected by the extent of suffering and destruction that this ‘Global Pandemic’ has brought to the world in which we all live, and we are grateful to have made it through the winter, and relieved to see and feel signs of spring with its new growth.

Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all who have in one or other way supported our efforts over the pasts few months.
Your support for our work has helped us to sustain ourselves during the months when the studio had to be closed.

There are those who bought pots from us online, others whose ordered and commissioned work, both large and small, has provided great encouragement and hope for the immediate post ‘lockdown’ period.

The ordered work is in process of glazing and decorating in preparation for several glaze firings.

Felicity at the entrance to the studio with a group of big wheel-thrown stoneware Amphorae made for De Trafford Wines in Stellenbosch.


And, as if the Coronavirus Pandemic and government enforced lockdown is not enough, once again the country is in the grip of ongoing nation-wide electricity power cuts.
Recently we’ve been experiencing up to three cuts a day, with each lasting up to 2 ½ hours.
We don’t know how long it will go on like this, and trying to dodge these bouts of what’s called ‘loadshedding’ really plays havoc with any ideas that we may have of getting any consistent work done at the moment.


It is heartening to feel the beginnings of the return of visitors to the town, we’ve had some encouraging early spring bookings in the cottage, and we’re experiencing a slow but steady stream of visitors to the gallery and studio.

It will no doubt be a long time before foreign visitors begin returning to this part of the world.

With the recent relaxing of lockdown restrictions to Level 2 in the country, we are looking forward to the tourism, hospitality and restaurant industries getting going again in our region and further afield.

So much momentum has been lost over these past months with businesses closing and so many people losing their jobs and livelihoods.

We’re hopeful that new and innovative networks will emerge soon to stimulate some creative energy, direction and growth.


We have found the available digital communications and media reassuring during the lock-down period, and like so many, we have been able to stay in touch with family, friends and customers around the country and the world.

Our social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram have become essential tools in our working and social lives.

Please visit and ‘like’ our Social Media links:

Facebook Studio Page
Facebook – Bukkenburg Pottery
Facebook Accommodation Page
Facebook – David

As a result of all of this and as an added possible way forward, we are thinking about offering online tutoring and/or workshops online in the near future.
Please let us know if this is something that would interest you.

‘Potter’s Lunch and Spring Open Studio’ – a warm invitation.

It gives us pleasure and some added purpose at this time to let you all know that we are planning to host our annual ‘Potter’s Lunch and Spring Open Studio’ again, beginning over the Heritage Day Long Weekend from 24 to 27 September and ongoing into the spring and summer.

Our well-known and usually well-supported buffet ‘Potter’s Lunch‘ will be on Sunday 27th September with the necessary ‘Covid-19’ measures in place.
Lunch bookings are essential – (numbers will be limited)
Tel: 082 342 5453
The menu and cost will be available soon.

1st October marks 24 years since we moved to Swellendam.

A welcome spring visitor in the garden …


and in the studio …


We live in a most beautiful part of the country and are fortunate to be able to look on as the changing seasons impact on the diverse and extensive local agricultural industry.

From what we have seen on our outrides into the district, and what we hear, the harvest this year is looking particularly good, which is likely to have a beneficial impact on the town’s economy.

They will begin harvesting the early crops within the next month or so, and the harvest season goes on well into November and sometimes even later.

The farmers in our area concentrate largely on Canola (rapeseed), various grains such as wheat, oats and barley; also sheep and dairy, among others.

Their contribution to the country’s food supply is significant.

Canola and wheat fields beneath the Langeberg Mountains near Swellendam.
Blue crane – low flying in the Overberg near Swellendam.
Late afternoon and the gravel road home …


Accommodation at the Studio

At the beginning of ‘lockdown’ in March, all accommodation facilities had to close unless one had a permit to accommodate ‘essential workers’.
All travel came to a stop as did all local and international tourism.
We had bookings for accommodation in our guest cottage for many months ahead, and suddenly they were all cancelled.

We are glad to say that the cottage is once again available for an overnight stay or longer.

For further information please have a look at our accommodation page where there are pictures and a full description of what is available.
Please click HERE

The Covid-19 accommodation measures are being observed.

Swellendam Winter School

Also planned for spring are our Clay Explorations Pottery Courses as part of the Swellendam Winter School.
After the most enjoyable courses on last year’s program, we were looking forward to the Winter School running again this year.
Covid-19 put a hold on all of that, and now it is being revived for the spring.

A wide range of courses are on offer this spring, and for all info and bookings, please visit Swellendam Winter School.

A few pictures from last year’s Clay Explorations courses on the Swellendam Winter School:

Cape white-eye on half an orange outside the studio.


As the winter and severe lockdown recede, and the weather begins to warm up, here’s hoping to seeing some of you out this way during the coming spring and summer.

The countryside in the Overberg region of the Western Cape is looking exceptional right now, accommodation is abundant in Swellendam, and the restaurants are operating.

It’s just the best time to take to the road and travel the countryside – for all sorts of reasons ..!

The studio, gallery and garden are open and working daily, and visitors are welcome.
Please call ahead if travelling from afar, just to be sure that we’re here and available on the day.

Wishing you all the best in good health and safety as we learn to navigate what has become known as the ‘new normal’ in this post ‘lockdown’ environment of the Covid conscious world.

Please take care of yourselves and each other ..!

David and Felicity
Spring – 2020

Bukkenburg Pottery Studio, Gallery & Guest Cottage
8 Hermanus Steyn Street – Swellendam
Tel: 082 342 5453

“In such ugly times, the only true protest is beauty”

Phil Ochs (American singer-songwriter: 1940-1976)

Potter’s Lunch and Summer Open Studio

Please join us during our Summer Open Studio and Potter’s Lunch at Bukkenburg in Swellendam

Gosh, that was quick..!
The year has almost come to an end…

A slightly different program for this year – some dates to note if you’re gong to be in our part of the world during the coming summer months and over the holiday season, and are keen to stop in:

13 to 16 December – Swellendam Art Meander.
Open studios in and around Swellendam for three days.

Our studio will be open and working as part of the Swellendam Art Meander.

16 December – Potter’s Lunch
Our annual Buffet Lunch at Bukkenburg.
Lunch bookings are essential.
Tel: 082 342 5453

New work from several recent firings on show in the gallery and the garden is looking delightful this early summer.

Pin-tailed whydah in the pepper tree outside the studio.

Accommodation at the studio

With the holiday season fast approaching there is limited accommodation in our guest cottage.
Please call for availability and rates.
For further information and details about the cottage, including some pictures, please click – HERE

The studio and gallery will be open and working throughout the coming holiday season and beyond.

Visitors welcome…

Season’s Greetings and all the best for the new year..!

With best wishes
David and Felicity
December 2019

Bukkenburg Pottery Studio, Gallery & Guest Cottage
Tel: 082 342 5453

Winter in Swellendam

Winter in the Southern Cape – flowering canola fields and the Langeberg Mountains near Swellendam.

Winter in Swellendam –

Some new work and the Swellendam Winter School.

It’s an ongoing busy winter in Swellendam, some of the big orders have been fired and shipped, and we also have some new work in the gallery.

Smaller orders and the rest of the bigger pots still to be fired before we can get on with work for the spring and coming summer.

Here are some of new pots:

More pictures of the new pots in a future post and ongoing on our Facebook and Instagram pages.


Swellendam Winter School

The Swellendam Winter School began last month by running several 3-day and 5-day courses in various disciplines and activities for the three winter months, June to August.

We have held two well-attended 3-day weekend courses since the inception of the Winter School which we’ve called ‘Clay Explorations’ – one in June, the other in July, with a third planned for the weekend of 23 to 25 August.

For details and further info on our August ‘Clay Explorations’ Course including bookings and accommodation options please CLICK HERE

For further information about the Swellendam Winter School, the courses, bookings, accommodation options etc, please CLICK HERE

Here are a few pictures from the first two courses this winter:

We hope to broaden our offerings for next year’s Winter School with more advanced courses for experienced potters looking to enhance their skills.

We’re thinking of an advanced throwing course, and one focused on glazing and firing high temperature reduction-fired stoneware and porcelain.

Details will follow.

Our thanks and appreciation to all those involved in getting this initiative off the ground this winter – organizers, course facilitators and the participants who have come from far and wide.


Accommodation at the studio

Our recently renovated and refurbished guest cottage is available on a self-catering basis for those wanting to stay over in Swellendam on their travels.

The cottage offers luxury accommodation comprising two en-suite, air-conditioned bedrooms, kitchen, lounge with wood burning fire, full DSTV package and outdoor veranda.

Please contact us for further details, availability and rates.
For pictures of the cottage please click HERE


Please let us know if you would like to be included on our mailing list.
Our e-mail address:
